The 2nd photo is a classic though. This particular bus in Germany had headless ppl painted on it, and the seats placed coinciding with the headless painted body. I hope you get what I am going on about.
Now I know it is totally unrelated but I NEED TO POST a photo of Wenghong's surprise belated bday tiramisu cake that Mingwei, Yipei n I made!
And so far I think its the coolest cake we made EVER, coz it has TEETH WITH GUMS ( pink n white dunno if u can make out the teeth ), and LIPS on IT!
COOLBEANS right. ( term ini diciplak dari mw ) =)
I know I know, you guys must be thinking, see so much of TEETH in clinics not enough ka. EVEN CAKE ALSO WANNA PUT TEETH?
Hehe the story of our lives. =)
On another random note, I PASSED 3rd YEAR!! =) Yippeee =)
Sekian. I ran out of randomness dy. Till I find more next time. Toodledoo!
congrats ya dear..=)
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