Friday 18 December 2009

Today I saw a very dear friend's eyes well up with tears as she spoke of her lost friend.

The friend she lost becoz of neglect whilst battling her own battles, her own problems, her own worries.

The friend who thinks she doesnt matter to her.

The friend who doesn't try to understand or forgive her absentmindedness whilst fighting her own battle with a dad who's on the verge of death.

The friend who now gives her the cold shoulder, and distant look whilst she struggles to reach within her heart, and regain her friendship.

Why do we try so hard sometimes?

Within myself I struggle to understand the bitterness of the human heart, the pride that consumes a person which leaves no space for forgiveness and understanding.

Within myself there is a constant battle to not shout out in frustration whenever this friend talks about her with contempt.

Within myself, there are no answers.

24years is just a number. Nothing to indicate my increased understanding of the human heart or behaviour.

But 24 years does make a difference in my acceptance, or ignorance ( either or) of LIFE.

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