Monday, 23 March 2009

God presented Himself to me in the form of an old lady I met today.

I was feeling stupid and ignorant, self-absorbed and wallowing in self-pity, when she humbly greeted me from the opposite bench at the shopping centre in Salford this morning.
I had a bad morning, a morning that tested my patience in every sense, and pushed my 'emotional' buttons like it has never before in a long long time.

She said a simple "Hello, are you ok?"

I guess it was obvious that I wasn't, and that I wasn't in the mood to talk to a random stranger.

But she was persistent in continuing the conversation.

"Sweetie, what's upsetting you? Is it your boyfriend? Work problems?"

I mumbled a quick "work problems" and turned away. I was a mess, and I really wasn't in any condition to exchange pleasantries, what more share 'life problems'. I just wanted to wallow, and let the world swallow me up bcoz I was just tired. Sick and tired of all the nonsense people can inflict on you.

However she was still persistent. I relented, exchanged 'words' mindlessly, just to be polite. I figured, she meant well. I shouldn't be rude.

Words left my mouth, but I was just muttering and wasn't concentrating. Fleeting emotions of the disappointment of the morning, was still strong.

Then she said to me "I don't know what your sorrows are sweetie, but always remember your guardian angel is with you. It will all be ok, you will be ok."

"What religion are you?"she asked.

"I'm Catholic," I replied.

"Oh, so am I!"

What followed then was an amazing life testimony that God does indeed live in people.
The God that I have been searching for all these years, faithfully and unfaithful at times, does exist. I cannot count the number of times I doubted His existence. The number of times I long to feel His presence, only to feel emptiness. The number of times, I do not recognise Him.

All my life, I wanted a miracle. Something to happen to me that shows me it is God speaking to me, for real.

Something to happen that I could look back and say, "That is God comforting me for sure. God, trying to tell me that everything will be OK." Something that I could look back at without a doubt.

I wanted to be sure. Who doesnt? With this 'figure of greatness' that cannot be seen or touched, who wouldn't?

She didn't have any 'hidden' intentions, she was a regular old lady who happens to be at the same place waiting for her friend to have coffee together.

No, she wasn't one of those 'gospel-sharing' people I meet on the roadside with sheets of paper to give out so I can be 'saved'.

Was she a coincidence? If she was, I wouldn't be comforted like I was. No, certainly not by a stranger.

With this comfort is my certainty that I have found what I looked for all my life.
To think that I almost missed identifying this, thank God for a friend who reminded me that 'everything happens for a reason'.

And thank you, God for sending me this miracle.

A miracle that would help me live my life in certainty of Your existence.


h.3.l.3.n said...

God bless! what a miracle!

Grace said...

I hope you will make it your prayer to to perseverere in the faith and pray earnestly for God to encounter you and be very real in your life. Pray that he helps you see how he is always there.

Psalm 43: 5
Why are you downcast O my soul?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God for I will yet praise my Saviour and my God

lots of hugs and love