Saturday 12 January 2008

Papa's new dentures.

This morning I called home, and mum told me papa's got himself a pair of partial dentures made. AT LAST. =)

He lost his 2 front teeth even before I was back for summer, and did nothing about it. I tried to persuade him to seek dental treatment, for his profession as a teacher in a notorious school is as you would imagine, quite un-kind-ly to his toothless smile. ( cute to me, nevertherless )

I secretly wished he was here in the UK. We've just started our partial dentures module, and soon I would expect to see my first partial denture patient.

And I wished it could have been him. Firstly because I know it would thrill him that his own daughter is making him new teeth, and secondly because it would be free of charge.

But oh well. You can't get everything that you wish for, can you? =)

I miss my dad so much.

1 comment:

~dolph~ said...

peilian, at last ya ah gu did his dentures!!!!great!!!I feel glad for the students...:p yaya, he is cute without it though..:p