Wednesday 5 March 2008

Who's this CUTIE?

Say hello to miss Jannah, our little dentist-gang latest celebrity. =)

Her proud mum, Ida, is my coursemate, and a fellow Malaysian. Ever since she told us she was pregnant, it was all ooohs and aaaaahs at how her tummy was growing each day. I bet the little one could feel the excitement and anticipation for her arrival surrounding her mother, even from inside the womb.

We threw Ida a surprise baby shower before the baby was born, and it was a wonderful get-together.

Future dentists =)

Congratulations, IDA! She's such a cutie and amazingly adorable, looking at her makes me feel all squishy inside. Heheh, and its exciting to think that we'll be part of her first few years in life! =)

I wonder what will she call me when she's able to speak.

AUNTY peilian? or MAKCIK peilian?

HAHAHA HowNowBrownCow.


xian said...

okay.. not to sound like a baby-hater but you realize being pregnant gives u horrible stretch marks right!!! haha and babies are like @-@ okay, I do sound like a baby-hater hahah u would be such a perfect mom :P

huiyen said...

LOL. i like babies too. only if theyre not mine. haha. id love to play with them, squish em, but all the cleaning part is a total no no. and yes, agree with VAIN-xian-who-only-worries-abt-stretchmarks, ure gonna be a great mother someday. *hint* time to look for a potential daddy.:P